Saturday, June 7, 2008

Delicious Veggie Fast-food!

Today it's a billion degrees outside here in NYC so the last thing I feel like doing is cooking a meal that actually requires effort. Because of this, I decided to try the Yves Good Dog veggie hot dogs that I purchased at Westerly. I also decided to try the Boca Chick'n Spicy Patties.

I had a horrid experience with Smartdogs veggie hot dogs so I was a bit skeptical. Instead of boiling them, as I did previously, I decided to cook them in a hot pan with some cooking spray. They browned pretty nicely and after a few rotations, looked fairly done. I tried a piece without toppings and it was actually not bad! That was most definitely a step up from Smartdogs. I enjoyed the veggie dog immensely. I had it with some bread and ketchup for dipping. Yum! I'm so happy I found a delicious veggie hot dog! Yves rocks! I can't wait to try their other meat-less sausages!

As far as the Boca Chick'n Patties go...also super delicious!!! I don't think anyone would be able to tell they weren't chicken! They had a nice aftertaste of spice and were just sooo yummy! I also cooked these in a small pan with a spray of cooking oil.

I'm so happy that both of these products were good. I feel like I definitely have more options now, especially at cook-outs and the like. I've been a vegetarian for 1 1/2 months now and I still love it!

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