Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Oh Dear!

It's been entirely too long since I've updated this blog with any deliciousness. Now, that doesn't mean that I am no longer a veggie-eating-newb. Rather, my desire to cook recently has been waning. I blame the summer heat and a lack of A.C. in my house. On top of that, my trusty camera is broken. I takes pictures well enough but the batteries die after every use. I'm not sure what the issue is but I currently have my sights set on an amazing camera. I hope to obtain it in the near future and then the delicious pictures shall continue. It's a shame too, because I have made yummy treats sporadically.

It's been three months since I went vegetarian and I still feel amazing. What I love most is days like today when I stop over at Whole Foods to get some lunch, and my vegan lunch is so deliciously amazing, I wonder how anyone could miss eating meat.

I hope to update more soon, along with some new recipes for low-calorie veggie food.

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